Hong Kong Adventure Corps

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Charity Donations

Hong Kong Adventure Corps is a registered charitable institutuion, we welcome your support on our training service delievered to Hong Kong youths by donations.  The Corps also held different kinds of fund-raising activities such as Flag Day, Walkathon, Carnival or Charity Golf Tournament each year to raise fund for training service and maintenance of facilities.


Donation Methods



In Person

You can bring along the donation (cheque / Octopus card / cash) to Office of Hong Kong Adventure Corps, High Island Training Camp, Sai Kung Man Yee Road, Sai Kung, N.T. during office hours from 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Sunday.


Through Bank

Donations can be deposited to the following bank account of the



Hong Kong Adventure Corps:



HSBC    :162-130363-002



FPS Identifier:169900545


By Cheque

You can send a crossed cheque made payable to “Hong Kong Adventure Corps” by mail or in person to High Island Training Camp, Sai Kung Man Yee Road, Sai Kung, N.T.


Via Online methons





Octopus card





Wechat Pay


Coming soon!





Donation of $100 or more to the Hong Kong Adventure Corps is tax deductible.



If donation receipt is required, please send the original bank-in slip together with name and correspondence address of donor to the following address: 
Hong Kong Adventure Corps (Donations)
, High Island Training Camp, Sai Kung Man Yee Road, Sai Kung, N.T.



The personal data provided will be used in processing the donation transaction, issuing of receipt and sending of fund-raising information. The personal data will be disclosed to staff member(s) of the Corps and the related bank(s) on a need-to-know basis.



For details of the   Flag Day   (on 17th August 2024),
please click:

For details of the Charity Golf Torunament (on 18th October 2024), please click




For more details, please contact:


Tel︰2792 6486

Fax︰27928510  |  Email︰[email protected]

Address:High Island Training Camp, Sai Kung Man Yee Rd, Sai Kung, New Territories, Hong Kong SAR