Hong Kong Adventure Corps

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Course Information

Cancelled: Advanced Drill Instructor Module 2022-01 (Module 12-Drill Instructor)


(Course cancelled: insufficient enrolment)


In association with the Drill Instructor Course, the Advanced Drill Instructor Module 2022-01 (Module 12-Drill Instructor) will be held between November and December 2022. Please refer to the attached document (1) for more details and submit your nomination by completing the form attached on or before 2nd November 2022, detail as follows:


Course date

1st Weekend

26th to 27th November 2022 (Saturday to Sunday),



2nd Weekend

3rd to 4th December 2022 (Saturday to Sunday),



3rd Weekend

10th to 11th December 2022 (Saturday to Sunday).



(#1 Three weekends in total. Notice: Actual training date(s) may be adjusted



    depending on the novel coronavirus infection situation. )



(Each weekend training) 0900 hours to next day 1630 hours.


Class Method

Physical class(es).



Assessment will be conducted throughout entire course schedule, in which every



  course student will be examined by Corps Sergeant Major (CSM) or Senior Drill



  Instructor(s) assigned by Corps Sergeant Major (CSM). Performance will be



  assessed in below area(s):



  1. assigned work/preparation before assessment,



  1. administration and operation,



  1. teaching,



  1. execution of discipline and turn out.



Hong Kong Adventure Corps High Island Training Camp,



Sai Kung Man Yee Road, Sai Kung.



1. To ensure the advanced drill instructor(s) is/are able to teach drill instructor






2. and to ensure the advanced drill instructor(s) is/are able to teach sword drill in



   precise and standard method;



3. and to ensure the advanced drill instructor(s) is/are able to teach relevant



   knowledge in related with agent of licensee of HKAC and arms instructor.



Instructor or cadet with Drill Instructor Certificate (before 2022) or equivalent.



General Duty Dress.



( Refer to Commandant’s Order 12/2015 Dress Regulations (Part One) or HKAC



   Website – “Information” – “Dress Regulation”).


Class size

(Not appliable).


Course fee

HK$555.0/person, non-refundable.



( Transportation, meals, handout(if applicable) and administration fee included. )


Assembly #2

(Refer to the course joining instruction, attached document (1) )



1700, 2nd November, 2022 (Wednesday).



1. Fees and places of enrolled participants is non-refundable and non-






2. All participants must comply with the anti-epidemic measures.



3. Course students should always wear proper uniform, obey any given result in



     orders/instructions, and participate with 100% attendance, failure to do so



     will being RTU (Returned to Unit).



4. Cadet handbook is required when attending training course (Cadets only).



5. Unexcused absence in the training course may result in suspension of taking



     the same training course in coming year.



6. The Hong Kong Adventure Corps Certificate of Achievement – Advanced Drill



     Instructor Module (Module 12-Drill Instructor) will be awarded upon



     completion of course requirement.



7. Upon on completion of all 13 Advanced Drill Instructor Modules (Module 1 to



     Module 13), drill instructor will be recommended and appointed as Senior



     Drill Instructor.



8. In order to encourage and promote an eco-friendly perspective within Corps,



     training materials (e.g. handouts) will be distributed in electronic format.



     Other course related expenses will be shared by course students.



9. Please refer to the attachment 「附件(一)步操教練班 2022-01, 進階步操教練



     單元 2022-01 (單元12-步操教練) 參與指引」for more course details.



10. Class arrangement is subject to change depending on the latest situation of



     the epidemic and the suspension of training. Details of the latest



     arrangement are available at HKAC website ( http://hkac.org/ ).



11. Course candidate(s) should report to rendezvous point on time, there will be



     NO waiting for late-comers.


If no notification is received in 7 days before the commencement of the course, please contact Project Officer (Training) at Tel: 2792 6486 during office hours.


Application: Would all OCs Squadron & Unit ICs please complete the attached nomination form and return to Corps Sergeant Major ( [email protected] ) and Project Officer (Training) ( [email protected] ) by email, with carbon copy send to ( [email protected] ) and ( [email protected] ) before deadline.


Click here  to download the joining instructions「附件(一)步操教練班 2022-01, 進階步操教練單元 2022-01 (單元12-步操教練) 參與指引」(document (1) )


Click here  to download the nomination form (document (2) ).


Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact the [email protected] by email ( [email protected] ).