Hong Kong Adventure Corps

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Course Information

Pace Stick Drill Course PSDC 2021-01 (Updated with Student name list)


The Pace Stick Drill Course 2021-01 for adult instructors and cadets will be held in May 2021, detail as follows:

Date and time

22nd May, 2021 (Saturday) 0900 to 1630 hours, and

29th May, 2021 (Saturday) 0900 to 1630.




Hong Kong Adventure Corps High Island Training Camp

Sai Kung Man Yee Road, Sai Kung, N.T.





To provide training to Corps’ members and enable them to make use of the pace


stick as a teaching tool, and to drill with the pace stick in a precise and standardized




To enable Corps’ members to have better understanding in drilling with pace stick.








1. Drill Instructors (1st priority),

2. Warrant Officer class 2 (2nd priority),

3. Any Unit Sergeant Major (3rd priority),

4. Acting Warrant Officer and other SNCO (4th priority),

5. Cadet Sergeant to Cadet Warrant Officer Class 2.










General Duty,

Please refer to Commandant's Orders Serial No 11/2015, Order No. 126 Dress Regulations,



Class size

20 ( Minimum size of 8 )

Course fee

Cadets – HK$184.00/person ;

Instructors – Waiver (HK$184.00/person will be subsidized by CHQ) .

( Transportation, meal (Lunch), administration and handout (if applicability) included )






Date and time


22nd May, 2021 (Saturday) 0830 hours, and



28th May, 2021 (Saturday) 0830 hours.



Exit D, MTR Kowloon Tong Station



Ag WO1 LEE Chung-ching








Date and time


22nd May, 2021 (Saturday) 1700 hours, and



28th May, 2021 (Saturday) 1700 hours.



Exit D, MTR Kowloon Tong Station






1700 hours, 12th May 2021 (Wednesday).





Course students should at all times wear proper uniform, with 100% attendance,   

failure to do so will result in suspension from taking class(es).





The course will be cancelled if enrolment is insufficient (less than 8 persons).



The Hong Kong Adventure Corps Certificate of Achievement – Pace Stick Drill Course

will be awarded upon completion of course requirement and examination.





Class arrangement is subject to change depending on the latest situation of the epidemic and

the suspension of training. Details of the latest arrangement are available at

HKAC website ( http://hkac.org/ ).







Course candidate(s) should report to rendezvous point on time, there will be NO waiting for






Cadet handbook is required when attending training course (Cadets only).



This course is eligible for the HKAYP Bronze Award or Silver Award Skill Section activity,

please contact respective UU Leader or CHQ for details.




Student name list will be uploaded to Corps’ website 7 days before the commencement of the course (please check accordingly), no further notice will be given other than rejected admission. In case of uncertainty, please contact Project Officer (Training) at Tel: 2792 6486 during office hours.


Application: Would all OC Sqn & Unit ICs please complete the attached nomination form and return to Project Officer (Training) by email ( [email protected] ) and ( [email protected] ) , with carbon copy send to ( [email protected] ) and ( [email protected] ).


Click here to download the joining instruction (Attachment one).


Click here to download the nomination form (Attachment two).


Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to contact Project Officer (Training) by email ( [email protected] ).


Click here to download the Student name list for the Pace Stick Drill Course PSDC 2021-01.