Hong Kong Adventure Corps

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Course Information

Jockey Club Badges: Preparing Tomorrow's Leaders (Free of charge)


The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust has funded and initiated the “Jockey Club Badges: Preparing Tomorrow’s Leaders”. The programme aims to support uniformed groups in fostering youth development through its unique youth empowerment training model. In addition to strengthening existing membership bases of UGs, the programme hopes to deepen the synergies among them, thereby attracting more young people to join as UG members. The programme also encourages uniformed groups to mobilise youth members to devise innovative social service projects to serve the underprivileged with creative ideas. Hong Kong Adventure Corps is one of the partners, 16 activities will be held from May 2024 to the end of 2025。Details are as follows:


(Explorer - Climber)Adventure Activities, Hiking / Sawanobori, Team Building Activities, Physical Fitness Training, etc.



(Explorer - Into the Wild)Campcraft, Field Cooking, Team Building Activities, Watersports, etc.



(Explorer - Talent and Professions)Astronomy and Geography, IPSC, Drone Control ,etc




18-19 May 2024(Explorer - Climber)



13-14 July 2024(Explorer - Climber)



13-14 August 2024(Explorer - Climber)



 19-20 October 2024(Explorer - Climber)



17-18 July 2024(Explorer - Into the Wild)



7-8 August 2024(Explorer - Into the Wild)



3-4 August 2024(Explorer - Talent and Professions)



23-24 November 2024 OR 7-8 December 2024(Explorer - Talent and Professions)



*Each activity is conducted independently and lasts for two days and one night. Participants can register as needed.



High Island Training Camp and area nearby, and will stay overnight in HITC (Except Camping)


The corps will arrange shuttle buses between Kowloon Tong and High Island Training Camp



Teenagers aged between 13-20

Dress Code

Relevant clothing will be distributed when participating in the event, please pay attention to the relevant arrangements


Free of charge (Subsidized by HKJC)


Please visit website of JC Badges and register as member at ( https://www.jcbadges.hk/ ), then make the application according to instruction



1. The admission list, arrangement and execution of the training courses may be affected by factors such as the epidemic of infectious diseases and suspension of training. Please pay close attention to the news released by HKAC;


2. Most of the training will be conducted outdoors. Please wear sunscreen and mosquito repellent and bring rain gear as needed;


3. Please pay attention to the registration deadlines for various activities;


4. For more infomation, please visit website of JC Badges ( https://www.jcbadges.hk/ )


If you have any enquiries, please contact the Project Officer (Training) at (po.trg@hkac.org).