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Grantham Scholarships Fund 2020-2021 (English Version Only)


To   : Sqn OCs

From: Project Officer (Admin)

Date : 2nd November 2020


Dear Sir / Ma’am


Please be informed that the captioned scholarship is now inviting nominations from HK UGs, each UG can nominate up to Two (2) members for consideration of the scholarship.


All OCs are invited to nominate your Sqn’s member(s) to CHQ Selection Board for HKAC internal selection. For Nomination Criteria please see attached Annex 1.


Please submit the application form with requested document to CHQ (e-mail: [email protected] ) on or before 21st November 2020.


Attached please find the Application Form for your use.


Should you have any queries, please feel free to contact the undersigned at 2792 6486 or by e-mail ( [email protected] ).


Thank you for your attention.


Best Regards,

Project Officer (Admin)

Hong Kong Adventure Corps