H Squadron
“S Sqn was established in 2010 to inherit the RHKR(V)tradition through the years, when military cum adventure trainings allow trainees to develop their personality, properly handle adversity, enhance their power of analysis and leadership, as well as team spirit.
S Sqn trainees are from such secondary schools as Clementi, Pui Kiu, Queen's Alumni and Catholic Nam Wah.
The Sqn routine trainings include foot drills, radio communication, camping technique, map reading, first aid, etc. Mature trainees will receive different levels of leadership trainings like advanced foot drills, canoeing, combat skills, firearms shooting, adventure course, etc. They may be promoted to Cpls/ SGTs to teach young trainees.
Apart from Sqn trainings there are community services where trainees take part to develop civic-mindedness. Their service hours are recorded to be passed to the Social Welfare Department who will, on their merits, award Voluntary Service Certificates as compliments.
Our Sqn has Lion Dance and Dragon Boat teams. The former has acquired brilliant results on outsiders' invitation to perform. The latter in the Uniformed Organisations Dragon Boat competitions has attained excellent scores too.